Thursday 15 March 2012

Future Of Farming!!! in the house?(biological sciences).

Vertical farming is a growing 
 trend. It’s a system that lets farmers produce crops and livestock indoors. Proponents say they’re saving buildings, creating jobs and helping the environment.

really, it ain't funny o....
people are making it in this area now because as @ march 1st 2012, indoor farming had more outcome compared to its obvious rival(outdoor farming).

John bought a building to build a vertical farm. Most produce had to even travel to get to stores, an average of 1,500 miles(can you imagine?), and produce loses many nutrients and flavor during the trip.

Vertical farms reduce the distance and time, which means healthier food, less pollution in the air, and less wasting of our natural resources. Aquaponics is a combination of aqua culture (growing fish in tanks) with hydroponics (growing plants in water). The crops get nutrients from fish waste and the water continuously circulates providing oxygen to the tilapia and plants.

One of the instances i heard of in Nigeria, was quite interesting(i won't mind starting mine), actually one of the largest i have ever heard of, the farm is housed in a four-story warehouse, which allows them to produce more than 4 times the volume of a normal hydroponic farm, and many more times when compared to the typical soil based farm. Being a self-contained dirt less farm limits exposure to diseases, insects and weed infestations. This allows us to raise produce and fish without pesticides or herbicides. Consequentially, there is no fertilizer runoff into local lakes and streams. Lighting and temperatures are controlled for optimum growing year round, regardless of what Mother Nature is doing outside. The high energy consumption and short life span of traditional grow lights is substituted with fluorescent light combinations of red and blue based[soft and bright]tubes,bringing the consumption of electricity over all[considered here is the complete elimination of the electrical necessity's...TVs,Ranges,Refrigerators,etc,for habitation]to a comparable level if habitation had been installed.

 No lies, the tomatoes above are products of indoor farming(freshest....)

So If you still think this sounds a bit far-fetched or crazy, you may want to think again. Bloomberg Business Week just named vertical farming one of the top 20 businesses of the future!
 for more information you can contact;
The biological sciences department,

i also have rooms for small scales too...

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